Qu'est-ce que the broken ring this marriage will fail anyway ?

"The broken ring, this marriage will fail anyway" is a phrase that suggests the imminent failure of a marriage. It conveys the idea that despite an initial commitment symbolized by the act of exchanging rings, the relationship is destined to fall apart.

The phrase evokes a sense of a broken promise and the inevitable dissolution of the marital union. It implies that even though the couple may have entered the marriage with hopeful expectations, there are underlying issues or circumstances that will prevent its success. This broken ring symbolizes the shattered bond and lack of trust between the partners, foreshadowing an unhappy ending.

The phrase could be interpreted in various contexts. It may refer to a lack of compatibility, unresolved conflicts, infidelity, or any other issues that are detrimental to a fruitful marriage. It highlights a pessimistic view, suggesting that despite the initial commitment, the relationship is bound to fail.

It is essential to remember that this phrase is a subjective statement and not an absolute truth. While many marriages do end in divorce, many others manage to overcome challenges and thrive. Therefore, the broken ring should not be seen as a definitive judgment on the success or failure of a particular marriage.